Catching Up with Linda

May 2024

May is coming to a close, but the need for better mental health and awareness hasn’t stopped. You are receiving this message because in some way, our paths have crossed and you likely know that I have been an active mental health advocate since 2014 when my debut novel, Crazy, was published. It is a semi-autobiographical account of my experience with a mother who had bipolar disorder.

My publisher, Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, has chosen to re-release the book on July 30th of this tenth-anniversary year, acknowledging the post-Covid uptick in mental illness across all age groups, and particularly among young adults. The story remains the same, with a brand new cover and new back material, including an author interview and mental health resources. If you haven’t already read it, I hope that you will, and if you are familiar with it, perhaps you can recommend it to a book club, school, library, or someone who might connect with the story.

I invite you to join me through this quarterly newsletter to explore ways you and I can make this world a better place for those who have been derailed by mental illness. I am excited to introduce you to people and places that are in the business of transforming lives, reducing the stigma, and restoring dignity to those who have lost purpose and self-determination. And I want to keep the dialogue going, to hear how your words and actions have built a bridge to someone in isolation or recovery from a psychotic episode.

Until next time,



Mind your mind. Let’s talk, listen, and heal together.


“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.”

― Henry David Thoreau.




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