Learning from OUT OF THE DUST by Karen Hesse

Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, and whether you want to call it research or priming the pump, every author has a list of books that are “must reads” before beginning the first draft of a new work. For me, Karen Hesse’s Out of the Dust was at the top of the...

Leaping from Book One to Book Two

  Now that Crazy is cruising nicely toward an October release, it’s time to turn my attention back to book two.  I hope you will pop over to the blog at OneFourKidLit today where I am pondering some strategy. AND I will love for you to jump into the...


  I know, I know, it’s what’s inside that really matters.  But after you’ve poured your soul into the best story you could possibly write, chewed all your nails down to the quick to find an agent and/or an editor who loves your work, and...

The Role of the School Counselor

Congratulations to Laura Sells for winning last week’s drawing of Ann Eisenstein’s book, Fallen Prey!     I spend a lot of time reading YA and Middle Grade books, and on more than one occasion I’ve wondered how the protagonist’s life might have...

An Interview with Ann Eisenstein and a Giveaway

Today I welcome Ann Eisenstein whose book, Fallen Prey, was released in November, 2013.  If you leave a comment you will be entered in a drawing for this, the second of the three books in the Sean Gray, Junior Special  Agent Mystery series.  (contest limited to USA...